Business Planning

Why It Is Needed

When Abraham Lincoln said “If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 6 hours sharpening the axe”, he showed he understood the benefits of planning. Too often it is seen as a distraction to getting the job done, but companies who do it regularly, have a greater focus and a better chance of success.

What We Offer

Expertise in strategic and business planning that will

  • Understand the specific needs and objectives of the planning process

  • Design a business planning workshop to meet these objectives

  • Work with you to ensure the right people are involved

  • Facilitate the strategic planning workshop and ensure specific outcomes are achieved

  • Strategic alignment workshops to ensure the plans are cascaded throughout the organisation

  • Leadership coaching through the planning process

What You Can Expect

A clear strategy moving forward with implementable action items and clear accountabilities

  • A rigorous monitoring process to ensure the implementation of the plan is being tracked

  • Greater focus and direction for the business moving forward

  • An opportunity to communicate and cascade business planning throughout the organisation in order to ensure maximum alignment

Some Examples Of What We’ve Done

Strategic planning at a company board level, cascaded down to executive and management teams

  • Strategic planning sessions at an APAC level

  • Designed, delivered and managed a workshop to understand new marketing and distribution channels, which resulted in significant business increase in the APAC region

  • Business planning for new product lines, industry and marketing channels

  • Strategic alignment workshops

  • Blue sky thinking workshops to define the organisation of the future

  • Designed and facilitated a 3-day business planning symposium in Asia which took a group of over 40 people through the process of developing a business plan

Our services are provided in the following areas: